Dreams are fine. And dreams involve contradictions. We want this AND that, but both can't happen. That's what keeps them from being plans. Plans embrace boundaries and reality, they don ...
Sometimes, we're so afraid of creation that we don't even leave blank pages around. If your workspace has a hole exactly the size of a creative idea in it, you're more likely to f ...
This week is the 150th anniversary of the most important failed art exhibit of all time. It was organized by and featured artists who weren't even among those that had a slot at the runner ...
Every competitor faces pressure, and it varies by industry, consumer/investor segment and geography. This applies to services, products, ideas, organizations, jobs whenever there's a c ...
"How do you get the word out?" I've heard this from presidential candidates, from small business leaders and nonprofits as well. It's easy to believe that the goal of marketing is ...
A barback supports the bartending staff. There are always clean glasses and fresh ingredients, ready to go. Having someone else do your mise en place can dramatically improve your productivity. And ...
[Relevant aside: If you get this blog by email, apologies for the glitches of the last few days caused by my provider. If you ever see a broken link or something that doesn't render, you can ...
What kind of culture will we build? At work, in our community, online? Compliance Quality Inquiry Inclusion Consumption Possibility and/or Fear Each of us builds culture every time we interact with ...
When someone starts a business, they spend a bunch of time with a business plan, working to raise funds and get it off the ground. After that, though, the purpose of the business is completely alig ...
There are few sitcoms, thrillers or plays where the plot can tolerate the addition of a cell phone. Once the characters have the ability to connect and clear up misunderstandings at will, a lot of ...