Every business and individual has overhead. The bills we have to pay and the costs we incur that aren't directly related to our income. You pay them whether or not you're busy. But ther ...
That's not true, actually. Books sell, but book doesn't. The odds of a particular book selling a lot of copies are close to zero. The truth of the long tail is that most titles are way ...
It's easy to get focused on the public-facing mouth of the funnel. More followers. More impressions. More buzz, hype, promotion. Get the word out. Just about all the time people who call them ...
It's an important question. Lots of opportunities come with one, and going in with your eyes open helps avoid problems later. Two challenges: Sometimes, a really good opportunity doesn'
In 1970, when Walter Cronkite was narrating current events for the United States, he was 54 years old. Hitchcock made his last film when he was 77. When there's a limited number of slots for ...
It's possible to have a useful conversation about what to do about something that's broken or needs improvement. But first, we must acknowledge that it happened. It's not controve ...
It's surprisingly easy to be generous and find solutions to our friend's problems. Much easier than it is to do it for ourselves. Why? There are two useful reasons, I think. FIRST, beca ...
That's not true for a screwdriver. Or a table saw or even a spatula. These are useful tools, but they don't pretend to be well-informed or wise. They're dumb, and they look dumb t ...
Expertise and firmly held beliefs don't always go together. Here's a simple XY grid to help us choose where to sit at whatever table we're invited to: Plenty of well-trained profe ...