I've said this before, and I'll say it again - Gylnn Seal (AKA Monkeyblood) is one of the most skilled RPG professional creators in the business. Writing, artwork, mapping, layout, you name it - he's one of the best.Ryecroft: A Dangerous Cemetery ...
The GM Miscellany series of releases is one of the best resources for any GM running a campaign, OSR or otherwise. They exemplify the ideal resource for the improved GM, and little comes close in quality.If any GM Miscellany resource indicates a ...
I know it says "5e" in the very title, but apparently, it is also for the OSR:"Seven zine issues, each adding new territory, NPCs, creatures, and adventures to the evolving 5e/OSR TTRPG setting of Emberland."So, OSR, quirk maps, and only 20 bucks?
If I have to choose between reading an adventure and setting material, I'll almost always choose setting material. An adventure is essentially "one and done," whereas setting material can be part of a campaign to be used session after session. It's ...
I'm not a huge sci-fi gamer (but I definitely play them more than Supers) but I'm far more interested in sci-fi RPGs for the fluff. The crunch is almost irrelevant. The fluff for the Stillfeet Bundle looks damn good.Voidminer! This all-new Stillfleet ...
I got to spend some time with Justin at PAGE 2, and I will say this flat out - the quality of his books - the art, the layout, and the paper itself- is second to none. I easily spent 100 on his Mork Borg material and have yet to run a session of Mork ...
Most of you know about DragonsFoot. In the days of forums and bulletin boards, before the coming and waning of blogs, places like DragonsFoot were the place to be. Say what you will about forums, but Facebook, and Discord, and X don't hold a candle ...
Looking to add some modern weaponry to your fantasy OSE (or likely ANY OSR game)? You may want to run some modern-day campaigns, with or without magic and fantasy elements. Maybe GURPS just isn't up your alley ;)If any of the above rings true, Today ...
The Midderlands is Glynn Seal's baby. I have backed every Kickstarter he's run and have all his work in print & PDF. I've enjoyed his art and maps in the products of many other publishers, and I consider Glynn a friend. The Midderlnads - OSR Bestiary ...
I don't know what the system itself plays like, but the setting is one I'd love to run a short (4-8 session) campaign in. WWI and occult in the same RPG? I'm in!The Never Going Home Bundle gives you seven titles for 12.95 (in PDF, for those wondering ...